Любое эссе должно состоять из вступления [introduction], тела [a body of paragraphs] и заключения [conclusion], выделенных в абзацы. [критерии coherence, cohesion]
В любом эссе во вступлении нужно обязательно полностью перефразировать данную в задании тему и ввести свое мнение или ключевую мысль всего эссе. [ критерии task achievement, coherence, vocabulary]
Любое эссе должно быть написано без повторения слов и оборотов [допускается максимум 3 повторения, разнесенных друг от друга в разные абзацы], со сложными грамматическими конструкциями, с применением менее распространенных синонимов обычных слов более формального стиля, с правильно расставленными знаками препинания. [критерий grammar, syntax, lexical resource]. Во время тренировки удобно подбирать синонимы, используя онлайн тезаурус словаря Коллинз
Для каждой мысли [topic sentence], будь то ваше мнение или чужое, нужно давать объяснения /аргументы/ расширения [причины/последствия и т.п.] в следующих предложениях. [критерии coherence, task achievement], а затем, желательно, дать примеры из жизни / статистику. Их можно придумать. [критерий coherence, task achievement]
В любом эссе должны быть вводные фразы [для 8,5 баллов в IELTS- не менее 7], показывающие направление мысли, но не обязательно в начале каждого предложения. [критерий cohesion]. "However" лучше применять в середине предложения, а не в начале: This policy, however, does not suit everybody.
Эссе должно состоять из минимум 250 слов в IELTS [за 40 мин]; 300 слов в integrated writing [за 30 мин] и 120 слов в independent writing [за 10 мин] в TOEFL; 140-190 слов в FCE [за 40 мин], 220-260 слов в CAE [за 45 мин]. Точных требований в IELTS и TOEFL к количеству слов не предъявляется, но есть минимум. В олимпиадах обычно требуют 250 слов +- 10% С другой стороны, чем больше вы пишите, тем больше может быть ошибок. Это минус слишком больших эссе. Attention: В олимпиадах и ЕГЭ важно убраться в границы количество. Если напишите меньше слов, то получите 0 за все задание, если больше- то проверять будут только то, что убирается в регламент, и эссе будет считаться незаконченным со всеми вытекающими последствиями.
Любое эссе должно быть по теме и четко следовать ожидаемой логике, от которой зависит структура [иначе 0 баллов по критерию task achievement]. С точки зрения структуры, эссе в IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge exams и т.п. может быть разных видов. Вот наиболее распространенные:
1. Problem Solution Essays
...Problem...State some reasons for this and provide possible solutions /
What do you think the causes are? What solutions can you suggest?
Write an introduction to the topic.
Think of three causes of the problem and explain them,
giving examples where possible.
Describe three solutions to deal with these problems.
Write a short conclusion which gives your view about the topic.
Plan / Structure:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Cause 1 + Solution 1
Paragraph 3: Cause 2 + Solution 2
Paragraph 4: Cause 3 + Solution 3
5. Paragraph 5: Conclusion
A generation ago, (Write a general sentence about the topic). However,
(Reword or rephrase the problem in the essay topic in your own words).
This essay will look at the core reasons for this and propose some solid
One of the main causes of the problem is that (Write the first cause of the
problem here). By this, I mean (explain the problem in 2 or 3 sentences).
For example, (give a relevant example to support the cause of the
problem). The solution is for the (write about the solution of this
Another problem is that (write the second cause of the problem here).
That is to say, (explain the problem in 2 or 3 sentences). To tackle this
issue, (write about the solution of this problem).
A third cause of the problem is the (write the third cause of the problem
here). To be more precise, (explain the problem in 2 or 3 sentences). As a
result, (write the result or effect of the cause here). The way forward
could be (write about the solution of this problem).
To sum up, (rephrase the topic using different words), due to [the reasons
such as] (write the summary of three causes of the problem which you
discussed in 2nd , 3rd and 4th paragraph), this is a serious problem, and
unless (write the summary of three solutions of the problem which you
discussed in 2nd , 3rd and 4th paragraph) it will persist. My view is that the main
responsibility for solving the problem lies with (talk about the people or
elements that are responsible to solve this problem).
2. Opinion essays
What is your view on...?
Тип эссе, в котором требуется дать только свое мнение считается более легким для написания. Обычно оно состоит из трех основных частей:
вступление, основная часть, заключение.
Пример: Should athletes get such high salaries as they do today? Express your opinion and give arguments.
открывает ваше эссе. Это небольшой параграф – обычно около ДВУХ-ТРЕХ предложений.
В этом случае вам потребуется выразить свое мнение уже во вступлении. При этом изначальная формулировка темы и вопроса должна быть полностью перефразирована! На пример:
Предложение 1. Every day we hear about record contracts and salaries earned by sportsmen [перефразирование темы].
Предложение 2. This causes debates about whether they really deserve such huge payments.
Предложение 3. I, personally, think that sport stars have rightly earned such big sums of money .
Основная часть.
Основная часть эссе состоит из нескольких абзацев (обычно 2-4), в которых вы даете доводы в пользу своего мнения, выраженного во вступлении. Соответственно, если бы в нашем случае мы бы были за высокую оплату работы атлетов и достаточно бы было дать только доводы в пользу своего мнения, то основная часть эссе выглядела бы так:
Аргумент 1. To begin with, athletes work tooth and nail to become really famous. If a sportsman is on TV, you can be sure that they have spent their entire life training hard, depriving themselves of many pleasures of an idle life. Since very few people demonstrate such fenomenal purposefulness, which borders on self-denial, there is little doubt that they deserve an incentive.
Аргумент 2. Apart from being a physical fitness selection tool, sport is big business where sponsors are ready to remunerate the work of a sportsman with a substantial amount of money. Seeing the sports star, the public recognizes the brand that backs him or her, which raises the brand owner's profits. So, athletes help business promote their products and services, which seems to be worth rewarding. An illustrative example of this is Maria Sharapova, a top tennis player, endorsing women's hygene products by Colgate? Also athletes can help charities. For example, paying Michael Jordan, the iconic basketball player, 1 million dollars' bonus for featuring in a social advert of a children's hospital once allowed raising as much as 300 million dollars in donations. So we can see that professional athletes make a considerable contribution to alleviating social issues and business projects development.
Аргумент 3. Finally, professional sport is dangerous for health, which often makes sportsmen retire early. Cases of becoming disabled during a sports competion are well-known to everyone. Statistically, every third sportsman pays a price for Olympic glory in the form of various chronic joint, muscle and tendon diseases. Nevertheless, the rewards received in different championships can help the sportsman make a living in later life. After all, they will return the money earned buying high quality goods and services, which will stimulate economic growth.
А вот примеры вводных фраз при перечислении аргументов.
On the one hand, …. С одной стороны,…
On the positive side, … С положительной стороны,…
Firstly,…. Во-первых,..
Secondly,… Во-вторых,…
Next,… / Besides,… А также / Кроме того
Furthermore Более того,…
Another drawback / benefit/etc of ....is that...
Apart from [previous aspect rephrased]....
Not only ...but also....
Finally В конце концов,…
On the other hand,… С другой стороны,…
On the negative side, … С отрицательной стороны,…
Yet / However / nevertheless / At the same time Однако / все-таки / в то же время
In spite of .... is not as useful / exciting / benefitial/etc as it may seem
Заключение – конец эссе. Это маленький параграф – в идеале ТРИ предложения.
Писать нужно то же, что и во вступлении, только другими словами. В заключении от вас ожидается:
перефразированный вопрос, ваше перефразированное мнение, можно дать взгляд на будущее (что случится, если все будет идти так, как сейчас), .
И если мы отстаиваем право профессионалов спорта на большие гонорары, то заключение можно написать так:
To sum up, considering the above said, I am convinced that outstanding sportsmen are really worthy of their high pay and, as real professionals and heros of a kind should be adequately rewarded for their profound contribution the development of our civilization. To add to this, professional sports should be popularized further, because sports records could be used in other spheres such as stunt men's work in film production, or adjustment of various machines and orthopedic goods to the specificities of a human body. There may be many applications of champions' achievements for our world, which should be encouraged.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with...?
Agree or Disagree? Template[100%]
Introduction - Indicate the writer's position clearly
Body l - Agree or Disagree
Body 2 - Agree or Disagree
Body 3 - Disagree or Agree (Some other people's opinion)
Template “Do you Agree or Disagree?”
Although, many people believe that is beneficial for /acceptable/convincing, I hold an opposing view. // Although is widely considered __________ /widely extoled for , the idea still seems fundamentally flawed, which makes me dissent from it. // Despite a great number of skeptics / critics, I fully agree with the idea of __________/that__________
Out of all the arguments, the strongest one to prove my view is that A good
example of this is, specifically, . Besides, it is also true that . By this I mean .
The other reason to prove my point / the falsehood of the opponents’ idea /the falsity of extolling is that . In addition, the fact that is also logical/demonstrative/speaks volumes.
In conclusion, it can be said that despite , my reasons that and / as well as are logically acceptable. Therefore, I fully [dis]agree with…
- To what extent do you Agree or Disagree? [80% - 20%]
Introduction - Indicate the writer's position to a large extent 80%
Body l - 80% Agree or Disagree
Body 2 - 80% Agree or Disagree
Body3 - 20% Disagree or Agree (I may not overlook the fact that......)
Template for "To what extent do you Agree or Disagree?"
Although, it is widely believed that , I support / disagree with this statement to a large extent. / Although is widely considered , the idea still seems fundamentally flawed. / appears to have some deficiencies, due to which it is not possible to fully support the view.
Out of all the reasons, the foremost one is . This is due to . To add to this, ___
Additionally, /Apart from …ing, . This is because . Moreover, . For instance, .
In spite of the deficiencies discussed above, I would not overlook the other/positive/negative side of . To begin with,______ ,undeniably, , which makes it / [__] still viable / feasible/ lends ______credibility under certain conditions . Also, _______________ .
To recap, it can be finally said that although/despite the fact/issue of , I am inclined [dis]agree with it and believe _____ is quite rational / cannot be viewed from one side/unilaterally/ should be viewed from a wider perspective.
Direct double question essay [Or direct one question essay]
1) Introduction
- Paraphrase the question <
- Outline sentence – state your answer to both questions
2) Main body paragraph 1 – Answer question 1
- Topic sentence – state your answer
- Explanation – develop the idea
- Example – give an example
3) Main body paragraph 2 – Answer question 2
- Topic sentence – state your answer
- Explanation – develop the idea
- Example – give an example
4) Conclusion Summarise both questions and answers
If there happens to be only one question on the heading:
1) Introduction
- Paraphrase the question <
- Outline sentence – state your answers to the question in a general way.
2) Main body paragraph 1 – The first point in your answer
- Topic sentence –
- Explanation – develop the idea
- Example – give an example
3) Main body paragraph 2 – The second point in your answer
- Topic sentence –
- Explanation – develop the idea
- Example – give an example
3) Main body paragraph 2 – The third point in your answer
- Topic sentence –
- Explanation – develop the idea
- Example – give an example
4) Conclusion Summarise the question and points in the answer
3. Two sides essays
Some people think.... Others think...Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Если эссе должно содержать аргументацию и опровержение того, с кем вы не соглашаетесь, а потом аргументацию своего мнения, то тема может звучать так:
Some people think that sportsmen should not be paid such high salaries they get today. Others, however, think there is nothing wrong about that.Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Здесь нужно перефразировать тему и ввести мнение как свое, так и оппонентов.
Можно указать на насущность проблемы. Например:
Whether sportsmen deserve their high incomes is debatable / The issue of high rewards paid to professional athletes has been the subject of a heated debate between proponents and adversaries to astronomous funds allocated to rewarding top sportmen. I personally consider that, in spite of some people's disapproval, top athletes' remunerations still seem quite justified.
Вот полезные фразы для ввода темы во вступлении:
The problem / issue / question of…. has always aroused heated / sharp disputes /debates / discussions / controversy Проблема …. всегда вызывала оживленные дебаты
The sight of …. is familiar to everyone. But have you ever wondered whether …..? Вид (кого-то делающего чего-то) знаком всем. Но вы когда-нибудь задумывались, … ли….?
There has been a dispute whether.... В обществе идут споры .... ли...
Our modern world is unthinkable / unimaginable / inconceivable without…. However, there are plenty of people who believe that it is not necessary / doubt the necessity / importance/ use / benefit / good of… Наш современный мир невообразим без … . Однако существует множество людей, которые считают, что это неважно /ставят важность … под сомнение.
Let’s speculate what makes them think so. Давайте поразмыслим, что заставляет их так думать.
There has been a dispute on … . Let’s speculate who is right: to proponents / defendants / fans of… who claim that…. , or the opponents / adversaries, who believe in… Идет дискуссия о …. Давайте поразмышляем, кто прав: защитники (чего-то), которые утверждают, что…., или противники, верящие в …
…has become an integral / inalienable / imprescriptible part of our life. Let’s speculate, however, what stands behind it. … стало неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Однако давайте поразмышляем, что стоит за этим.
New technology and advances in …… have raised ethical dilemmas. Новые технологии и продвижения в … привели к дилемме, затрагивающей этическую сторону этого вопроса
… gaining increasing popularity today, many still dispute / doubt / challenge / bring into question / cast doubt on its use for the society. Сейчас, когда … набирает все большую популярность, многие все-таки ставят под сомнение его пользу для общества.
It is often difficult to decide which position to take whenever there is a debate regarding a choice between … and … Часто трудно решить, какой позиции придерживаться, когда дело касается дебатов относительно выбора между ... и… .
Development in … seems to have had an adversary effect on … Развитие в … , похоже, оказало обратный эффект на…
Здесь, в первом абзаце основной части, сначала можно указать мнение той стороны, с кем вы не соглашаетесь, объяснив, почему они так считают, а потом указать на недостатки в их суждениях. Желательно дать как минимум 2 аргумента с поддерживающими их предложениями и примерами.
A lot of people think that athletes’ salaries are really overrated. Firstly, in their opinion, many sportsmen take doping. So, their results may not reflect exceptional efforts. Apart from pointing to possible cheating, opponents of high salaries in sport claim that there are occupations which are more important for our , like scientists, for example, whose achievements help progress. As an illustration of the utmost importance of the latter, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was the bio-engineers' hands that the salvation of the world lay in, not world champions'
В нашем случае со спортсменами аргумент с допингом звучит достаточно весомо, но в нем есть логическая слабость – забыт допинговый контроль, а также жертвование своим свободным временем, как и в случае с учеными. Поэтому опровергнуть этот довод можно так:
Вот другие фразы, которые можно использовать при опровержении или постановке под сомнение мнения оппонентов:
To a certain extent, it is right, but isn’t there…? / don’t smb V1? / … В какой-то степени это так, но разве не существует….? / разве (кто-то не делает что-то)
To a certain extent, it is right, but we shouldn’t forget that…. / we should consider the fact that… / we shouldn’t underestimate…./ one shouldn’t disregard… / one should take into account…. В какой-то степени это правда, но мы не должны забывать, что… / мы должны учитывать тот факт, что …. / мы не должны недооценивать… / нельзя пренебрегать… /следует учитывать…
However veracious it sounds, I wouldn’t agree with the above mentioned idea. Как бы правдиво это ни звучало, я бы не согласилась/ся с упомянутой выше идеей.
Defenders of… may be applauded for seeking to V1, but what they propose would in fact seriously damage / decrease / threaten, etc. Можно поаплодировать защитникам… за их попытки (что-то сделать), но то, что они предлагают, на самом деле серьезно вредит /уменьшает /угрожает…..
That being the case, I disagree with these contentions. Однако, я не согласен /сна с этими точками зрения
While … could lessen / worsen / decrease, etc. …. this is a small loss that could be offset by…. При том, что …. Может ослабить /ухудшить /уменьшить …, это малая потеря, которая может быть компенсирована ….
But to all who…. I have only one response: we cannot afford to wait / ignore / neglect/ disregard…. Но всем, кто… у меня один ответ: мы не можем позволить себе ждать /игнорировать /пренебрегать….
However, this idea cannot go further than being an immature claim because / since … Однако это идея не может быть ничем кроме поверхностного утверждения, потому что…
This point has merits on the surface and could be acceptable to an extent. Yet, serious doubts can be raised against this view when one considers …. Этот взгляд имеет на поверхности некоторые плюсы, и его можно принять в какой-то степени. В то же время эту идею можно поставить под сомнение, когда мы рассматриваем…
Здесь нужно дать мнение другой стороны с обоснованием.Нужно использовать 2-3 аргумента.
To express the opporsing view,high salaries in sports make good sense, providing they are earned honestly. (1) Indeed, sportsmen dedicate their whole life to breaking records and winning golden medals. Far from anyone could stand such excruciating work-outs that professional athletes endure on a regular basis. (2)Moreover, being a professional sportsman is an art of its own, since only talent together with hard work can bring prominent results, and, as outstanding persons, champions should be rewarded adequately. As an illustration of how relevant to progress this occupation is, sports records could be used in other spheres such as stunt men's work in film production, or adjustment of various machines and orthopedic goods to the specificities of a human body. There may be many applications of champions' achievements for our world, which should be encouraged.
Примеры фраз, вводящих мнение.
I think / I believe / I consider that Я считаю / полагаю, что…
Some opponents of… might argue / contend that… Некоторые поборники … могут утверждать, что …
They assume / suppose Они допускают,…
I am convinced that Я убежден, что …
I don’t share the above-given view. Я не разделяю вышеуказанного мнения.
You would probably agree with me that … Вы скорее всего согласитесь со мной в том, что…
To my mind, …. / In my opinion,… / It seems to me that…. По моему мнению, … / Мне кажется, что…
I can’t but agree that…. Я не могу не согласиться с тем, что ….
They look upon it as …. Они смотрят на это как на …
They are in favor* of… / They approve of… / They favor … Они за …. / Они одобряют …
I am against …. / I don’t approve of … / I don’t support the idea of … / I personally frown on… Я против … / Я не одобряю … / Я не поддерживаю идею … /Я лично не одобряю …
It is said /believed that … Считается, что …
…is believed to V1** Считается, что ….
It is common knowledge that … Всем известно, что …
It goes without saying that … Само самой разумеется, что …
*to favor – американский вариант написания, соответственно, to favour – британский. При написании письма и эссе вы должны придерживаться либо ТОЛЬКО британского, либо только американского варианта. Т.е. обеспечивать единообразие. Иначе вы можете потерять балл.
**to V1= неопределенная / начальная форма глагола (инфинитив), например: to live, to cause, to lead to…, to result in…
Здесь нужно высказать обобщение всех рассуждений одним предложением и написать, чью точку зрения вы поддерживаете.
В нашем случае это может звучать так:/p>
All in all, while skeptics doubt the eligibility of professional sportsmnen for increased pay, others feel that they deserve their huge incomes due to not only the uniqueness of their achievements but also the crucial socio-cultural influence of their personalities. I support the latter view as I see the importance of these people's role for society. Evidently, it is the feature of the modern free market economy where an athlet's charisma is used to promote goods, ideas, polices and raise funds to deal with social issues.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ...[and give your own opinion]
Para1: Introduction [a fully paraphrased heading]
Para2: 1 advantage with example
Para3: 2 advantage with example [optional unless required in the task]
Para4: 1 disadvantage with example
Para5: 2 disadvantage with example [optional unless required in the task]
Para6: Conclusion + your opinion [if required]
1. There is no denying the fact that the phenomenon/ technology / practice / policy / … of (summary of the question) is unprecedented/gaining wide currency. At the same time, due to .... it appears to be highly debatable and thus worth reasoned discussion. // while the custom of ... is ubiquitous across the globe, it is still highly arguable thus remaining of paramount importance/. In spite of a plethora of merits, yet, numerous demerits can be noticed, which will be elaborated in the upcoming paragraphs.
2. Initiating with the best possible benefits, the most significant advantage is ...……. ADVANTAGE1 …....... To cite an example, …………EXAMPLE1......... As a result, ….CONSEQUENCE1 …/ which speaks of positive developments in... BENEFIT1...
3. Along with it, ….ADVANTAGE2.................Illustartive of...is …………EXAMPLE2......... Undoubtedly, this /, which eventually leads to ….CONSEQUENCE2 … / brings about...BENEFIT2
4. On the paradoxical side / That being the case, there are many drawbacks as well. First and foremost, ...DISADVANTAGE1... For instance, ……EXAMPLE1...... which in the long-run will ...
5. Secondly [primitive connector],/Apart from…, / Another ...is…DISADVANTAGE 2 …. , which is illustrated by / can be observed in / For example, according to,…EXAMPLE2… / For instance, ……EXAMPLE2...... Consequently,... RESULT2...
6. To conclude, without any doubt this is a mixed bag / a highly controversial issue / practice / thing / a double-edged/two-edged sword/weapon. Even though this approach/method/phenomenon/development/… has many positives, its / the negative points must not be underestimated. If I were to provide my take on …, … seems…. / …wouldn’t… / …would advocate caution / a cautious approach to the matter / would rather + Past Simple / would find it useful / extremely beneficial to…..
Do the advantages of... really outweigh the disadvantages [или наоборот]
Template1: Advantages outweigh disadvantages
Introduction [с введением своего мнения]
-It is often debated .... - Whether.... or.... has been a subject of heated debate. - This essay will analyze this issue in an effort to prove .... better than....
Advantages [идут первыми в теле эссе, потому что перевешивают]
- Firstly, [topic] has/offers several significant advantages / benefits, including... - In addition to it,/ Moreover, [another benefit](,which) further strengthens its value. - It is thus clear that /These factors make it evident that [topic] has/brings certain undeniable benefits/pluses.
Disadvantages and their weakness [идут вторыми, потому что перевешиваются]
- Despite the above advantages, there are potential drawbacks to / shortcomings of/ concerns about [topic]/certain drawbacks of [topic] cannot be ignored
- For example, [state a disadvantage], which could potentially lead to.../ If... it could ...
- However, although there is a concern that ...., it should be remembered that [rebuttal to the disadvantage].
(- In other words, this is a practice that curbs/raises the possibility of.... - Further, .... also …).
- Thus, after analysis, the disadvantages to [topic]are not quite as discouraging as they may at first seem./Therefore, while there are some concerns, they are generally not as consequential as the advantages.
Conclusion [В заключении заново формулируем свое мнение о том, что перевешивает что]
- On balance, the above discussion makes clear that, despite select disadvantages, ..../the above discussion illustrates that the benefits of [topic] outweigh its disadvantages, making it a preferable choice overall.
- Thus, it can be concluded that [restate opinion]. Ultimately, [give a new idea]
Template2: Disadvantages outweigh advantages
- Whether [topic] has more advantages or disadvantages is often debated.
- This essay will analyze this issue to demonstrate that the disadvantages of [topic] outweigh its benefits.
- Firstly, [topic] presents several significant drawbacks, such as...
- Additionally, [another disadvantage] further undermines its value.
- It is therefore evident that [topic] has undeniable limitations.
Advantages and Their Weaknesses
- Despite these disadvantages, certain aspects of [topic] may appear beneficial.
- For instance, [mention a minor advantage] might seem appealing; however, it should be remembered that [counter-argument].
- In other words, these advantages do little to offset the considerable drawbacks.
- In summary, despite a few potential benefits, the disadvantages of [topic] clearly outweigh them.
- Therefore, it is apparent that [restate opinion].