I. Before watching the video answer the questions:
1. What is electroencephalography, or EEG?
2. What does it measure? [Prompts: brain acitivity, electro-magnetic waves produced by neurons, the activity of a particular brain zone, the biochemical makeup on neurons] You may want to read about it, for example, on this random website , although it is not necessary.
Watch the video and do the vocabulary exercise on it below.
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Записывайтесь на увлекательные уроки индивидуально, в парах и мини-группах! Успешно преодолеваем языковой барьер!
II. Insert prepositions where necessary. Where there is no preposition, enter a "-":
1.to make purchases one's face
2.to enroll smb an experiment/event
3.to put a brain wave sensing gadget
4.to pick electrical signals
5.real time
6. to find who is paying attention
7.10-minute intervals
8.to affect the signal
9. despite the chances of false readings
10. a huge push AI
III. List positive effects on the children from wearing these headbands during class on one side and negative ones - on the other one, adding your own thoughts.
IV. Answer the questions:
What do these pupils have to wear in class?
What do the headbands measure?
Where are the results sent?
How does it influence the students' academic scores?
How does it influence their discipline?
Would you agree to have your child put through this experiment for several year in a row? and for a month?
Would you like to go through such a monitoring procedure on your work or in your school?Why?
How would it help in education technologies?
How does it help evaluate teachers? What qualities can they be assessed on?
V. Make up a dialogue(and send it in for a check)
between the mother of a student of a chinese school where an experiment with AI is being launched and the Principal of the school. The mother is against enrolling her child on the experiment, therefore, she wants to change the school for another one. She expresses her objections and gives arguments, the principal tries to reassure her. Finally, she asks for time to think.
Use: -Can I have a word with you, Mr Chee? - I am afraid we'll have to .. - The thing is,... - I won't have my child +V1 = Я не позволю, чтобы мой ребенок .. - an adverse effect - To add to that,... - In your place =На вашем месте,... - Mrs Shee, I wouldn't make hasty decisions. - The technology is expected to improve ...dramatically. = Ожидается, что эта технология улучшит... значительно. - According to reports of teachers of other schools,.... - Wouldn't you like the boy to...? - Разве вы бы не хотели, чтобы ваш мальчик [что-то сделал/был каким-то] - I am still having second thoughts = Я все еще сомневаюсь - to add to pressure - will constantly feel as though ...= всегда будет чувствовать что будто... - I would rather he had more privacy than high scores= Я бы предпочла, чтобы у него было больше частного пространства нежели высокие баллы.-a guinea ['gini] pig = подопытный кролик - Suit yourself = Как хотите.
VI. Write an essay on the topics:
1. In some schools pupils wear headbands which measure their level of attention during class. What are the advantages and disadvantages of monitoring children's conсentration levels? Use the following structure: Introduction - A body of paragraphs -Conclusion Also use:
- On the one hand,...=С одной стороны,...
- On the other hand,... =С другой стороны,...
- to influence academic scores positively
- to improve discipline =улучшить дисциплину
- to influence some kids' psyche negatively
- to add to pressure =добавлять [морального] давления
- to feel as if someone was watching you=ощущать, что будто бы кто-то наблюдает за тобой
- in constant stress
- to be bad for the nervous system =быть вредным для нервной системы
- a controversial issue =противоречивый вопрос.
- All in all, ...= В общем и целом,...
2. [IELTS] Do the advantages of measuring pupils' attention levels by means of electroencephalography during class really outweigh the disadvatages?
Click to use one of the templates.
Template: Advantages outweigh disadvantages
-It is often debated .... - Whether.... or.... has been a subject of heated debate. - This essay will analyze this issue in an effort to prove .... better than....
- Firstly, .... has several advantages/ benefits - In addition to it, ... - It is thus clear that ... has certain undeniable benefits/pluses.
Disadvantages and their weakness
- Despite these advantages, there are potential drawbacks to / shortcomings of/ concerns about ....
- If... it could ...
- However, although there is a concern that ...., it should be remembered that ....
- In other words, this is a practice that curbs/raises the possibility of.... - Further, .... also ….
- Thus, after analysis, the disadvantages to... are not quite as discouraging as they may at first seem.
- The above discussion makes clear that, despite select disadvantages, ....
- I thus hope...
Template: Disadvantages outweigh advantages
-It is often debated .... - Whether.... or.... has been a matter of heated debate. - This essay will analyze this issue in an effort to prove .... worse than....
- Firstly, .... has several advantages/ benefits - In addition to it, ... - It is thus clear that .... has certain undeniable benefits/pluses.
Advantages and their weakness
- Despite these disadvantages, there can be found some aspects/features ... that may seem attractive.
- If... it could ...
- However[good for TOEFL only]/That being the case, it should be remembered that ....
- In other words, this is a practice that curbs/raises the possibility of.... - Further, .... also ….
- Thus, after analysis, the advantages to... are not quite as encouraging as they may at first seem.
- The above discussion makes clear that, despite select advantages, ....
- I thus hope...