1. Fill in the gaps with these words. Change the forms of the words if necessary = Заполни пробелы этими словами. Измени формы слов, если необходимо:
couple =пара, get=получить, lonely=одинокий, support=поддерживать/поддержка, upset=расстроенный, sigh=вздыхать/вздох, against=против, comfort=утешать/комфорт, opinion=мнение, visit=посещать/визит, bouquet=букет, these=эти, pleased=довольный, differently=по-другому, excited=восторженный/возбужденный, approve=одобрять, nothing=ничто, help=помогать/помощь
Vera and Sergei, a young married , move to a small town where Sergei a job as a teacher. Vera is happy but feels in the new place. She loves her husband very much and wants to him. One evening, Sergei comes home looking . He and says, "I will never get a promotion! The director is me. He failed me in the exam on purpose!" Vera listens carefully and tries to him. "Maybe there's a way to change his ," she says softly. A few days later, Vera learns that the director loves lilacs. She comes up with a plan and secretly his house, bringing a of fresh lilacs. She smiles and says, "I heard you love lilacs, so I wanted to bring you ." The director looks surprised but . He takes the flowers and says, "Oh, how beautiful! Thank you, my dear lady." He starts to see Sergei , thinking that if his wife is so kind and thoughtful, he must be a good man too. A few days later, Sergei comes home . "Vera! I can't believe it! The director finally my promotion!" Vera just smiles, saying about her visit to the director. She is happy, knowing she her husband in a quiet and clever way.
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2. Prepare answers to the questions:
- Why do Vera and Sergei move to a small town?
- Why is Sergei upset when he comes home one evening?
- What does Vera learn about the director that helps her come up with a plan?
- How does Vera try to change the director’s opinion of Sergei?
- What is the director’s reaction when Vera gives him the lilacs?
- How does Sergei find out about his promotion?
- Does Sergei ever learn about what Vera did to help him? Why or why not?
3. Translate into English. Send me in the messenger:
- Вера чувствует ответственность за мужа и всегда поддерживает его в трудные моменты.
- Сергей расстраивается, потому что директор против него, но Вера верит, что ситуация изменится.
- Чтобы изменить мнение директора, Вера приносит ему букет сирени и надеется, что это поможет.
- Гринёв остаётся верен своим принципам и никогда не боится говорить правду.
- Завтра Пётр поедет на Кавказ, но он будет помнить Машу и сохранит ей верность.
- Директор смотрит на Веру, удивляется её поступку и одобряет мужа.
- Офицеры в крепости изучают военное дело и следят за строгой дисциплиной.
- Если крепость не выдержит атаки, стена рухнет, и защитники попадут в плен.
- Вера боится, что Сергей не получит повышения, но всё же верит в его успех.
- Дети в школе учатся уважать учителей, потому что дисциплина помогает им стать лучше.
4. Listen and repeat after the speaker.
1. /ˈkʌp(ə)l/ 2. /ˈloʊn.li/ 3. /səˈpɔːrt/ (AmE) | /səˈpɔːt/ (BrE) 4. /ʌpˈsɛt/ 5. /saɪ/ 6. /əˈɡɛnst/ or /əˈɡeɪnst/ 7. /ˈpɜːrpəs/ (AmE) | /ˈpɜːpəs/ (BrE) 8. /buˈkeɪ/ or /boʊˈkeɪ/ 9. /ˈlaɪ.læks/ or /ˈlaɪ.lək(s)/ 10. /sɚˈpraɪzd/ (AmE) | /səˈpraɪzd/ (BrE) 11. /pliːzd/
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1. - Я I хочу работать в in вашей школе school.
-Ок. Но сначала But first вы you будете проходить take экзамен an.
-Хорошо. Ok. Я I не боюсь . Я I профессионал a.
- Посмотрим. We see. Если вы youне аккуратный , то я I не возьму вас you on.
2. - Сынок. Son. Ты You должен пойти служить в in армии the. Ты You научишься дисциплине . Потом you женишься will marry и and станешь a хорошим good человеком .
В диалогах ниже впиши английские эквиваленты слов в переводе целой реплики.
- Ок, но я боюсь войны. Я не хочу умирать. = Ok, but I of .I not want .
- Не бойся. Ты будешь служить на Кавказе. Там нет войны. =Don't . You in the Caucasus.
3. - Ваше величество, не убивайте моего мужа. Он предан Вам. =Your Majesty, not kill my husband. He loyal you!
- Но он помог Пугачеву и его повстанцам!=But he helped Pugachev and !
-Нет. Он просто дал ему свое пальто, когда Пугачев не был повстанцем. Поэтому Пугачев не убил его. Он помнит хороших людей. =No. He simply gave him coat, Pugachev was a rebel. That's why Pugachev did kill . He remembers good people.
-Ну ладно. Пусть он живет.=Ok, lhim
Total Questions: 0
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1. Read and listen to the audio file. Translate new words.
Mikhail Osorgin’s essay “Satyricon Magazine” tells about a famous Russian satirical magazine from the early 20th century. The magazine became very popular because of its sharp humor and clever criticism of society.
Osorgin describes the atmosphere in the editorial office and talks about well-known writers who worked for the magazine, such as Arkady Averchenko, Teffi, and Sasha Chyorny. He explains that Satyricon was not only for entertainment but also showed the real problems of that time. The magazine criticized the government, bureaucracy, and human weaknesses in a funny way.
The author says that Satyricon had a light and witty style. Even though there was censorship and political troubles, the magazine stayed independent and brave. Many people loved reading it, but the authorities were not happy with its jokes.
Osorgin shares his admiration and nostalgia for the magazine and its writers. He believes that Satyricon played an important role in Russian literature and journalism.
Choose the best answer to these questions:
1. What was the main reason for the popularity of *Satyricon Magazine*?
2. Who were some of the famous writers in *Satyricon Magazine*?
3. What topics did *Satyricon* often criticize?
4. What challenge did *Satyricon Magazine* face?
5. What is the main feeling that Osorgin expresses about *Satyricon Magazine*?
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