1. “One, two… Three… Four. Four hundred thousand pounds. Oh, Lord…” I sighed bitterly, having finished checking the bills.
2. The red tape and the frustration it brought became has become a routine for me lately, and it’s it is Brexit that is behind it. / Frustrating red tape has become my new normal, and Brexit is to blame.
3. Only some years ago, my kitchen utensils business was flourishing all around Europe. / It was only a few years ago that my kitchen utensils business thrived across Europe.
4. Even the Michelin star owners used to buy my products purchased my products, to say nothing of thousands of cooking amateurs let alone thousands of cooking amateurs across the continent. / Even Michelin-star chefs purchased my products, let alone countless amateur cooks across Europe.
5. However, it seems that it wasn’t destined to last long didn’t last long. / However, this success was short-lived.
6. After Brexit, the prices soared roughly. The transportation costs and export duties together could’ve make could have made us go bankrupt if we decided to go on running our business in Europe. / After Brexit, rising transportation costs and export duties almost pushed us into bankruptcy.
7. Additionally, the paperwork and the customs’ verification would’ve made made the trade awfully inefficient. / Moreover, endless paperwork and customs checks rendered trade unbearably inefficient.
8. Therefore, we came to the decision to quit. / Ultimately, we decided to close our operations.
9. Oh, how sorrowful was I to betray (it’s exactly what it felt like) I felt betraying my loyal clients in Europe... Let alone the fact that I lost almost three quarters of my audience! / It broke my heart to abandon my loyal clients in Europe, not to mention losing nearly three-quarters of my audience.
10. Needless to say, the financial losses were terrifying as well. / The financial losses, needless to say, were staggering.
11. I couldn’t could not help but remembered remember the day of Brexit Referendum: how desperately I voted for staying in the European Union to save my business… / I could not help but recall the day of the Brexit referendum, when I voted desperately to protect my business.
12. After all, I couldn’t could not allow myself to grief grieve anymore. / After all, I could not afford to grieve any longer.
13. There was no use crying over the spilt milk spilled milk: I had to keep working. / There was no use lamenting over spilled milk; I had to move forward.
14. Nowadays I I’m am trying hard to promote my products across my homeland and, maybe, even raise more interest in cooking among fellow countrymen! / Today, I am working hard to promote my products within my homeland while inspiring my fellow countrymen to embrace cooking.
15. ___[k2: Linking phrase needed!] I I’m am here for a fresh start and, even facing severe hardships, I I’m am learning to let bygones be bygones move on from the past. / All in all, I am determined to begin anew, overcoming hardships and leaving the past behind.
News Report_Hi-Tech Expo
People are challenging the AI at Nizhny Novgorod Expo 2025
Victoria Balashova, Volunteer
Tue Jan 14, 2025
NIZHNY NOVGOROD – The Nizhny Novgorod fairground is reported to have launched the revolutionary “AI vs Humans: The True Professionalism” interactitve interactive exhibition as the part of 2025's the 2025 annual Expo, attracting the most influential Russian scientists and professionals of developing technological spheres. / The Nizhny Novgorod fairground is hosting the groundbreaking “AI vs Humans: The True Professionalism” exhibition as part of the 2025 annual Expo, drawing leading Russian scientists and experts in technological innovation.
The exhibition event focuses on showcasing the qualification of the AI in flourishing emerging modern areas, such as driving, ingeneering engineering, manufacturing, and medicine. / Modern areas like autonomous driving, engineering, and medicine are highlighted to demonstrate the qualifications of AI.
Capturing Far more than just processing quite primitive search queries of the Internet's users handling basic search queries, at the Expo, the [k4] AI demonstrates high qualification in solving complicated tasks given by skilled professionals of multiple spheres. / Far more than just handling basic search queries, the AI at the Expo demonstrates its exceptional ability to solve complex problems assigned by experts in various fields.
The visitors who attended the guided tour of the exhibition were given a chance to contemplate the [k4] AI in work at work: the [k4] invited professors gave the machines various tasks, then showed the audience the received solution and evaluated it. / ...professors assigned tasks to the machines, presenting the solutions to the audience, and evaluating their performance.
Given even the most rigorous conditions, being critically time-strapped with extremely tight time constraints, the AI managed to make a brilliant impression. / Despite facing extremely tight deadlines, the AI left a remarkable impression.
What makes the exhibition truly unique is its unmatched interactivity. For an additional payment, the [k4] visitors can compete with the AI in solving the same task. The [k4] guests can try themselves in different spheres, from Maths mathematics to Art. / ...explore challenges ranging from mathematics to art.
The head of the Neimark university, the main organizer of the event, comments on the mentioned challenge: / The head of Neimark University, the event's main organizer, shares his thoughts on the challenge:
“I consider it more than just a fun competition,” he underlines emphasizes. “I see it as a social experiment created to solve the ongoing dispute about people's worth compared to the genius AI. Due to the expo, we can’t cannot help but notice that although AI surpasses humans' skills in, let's say, computation, it's works are its works are almost nothing compared to artists' and writers'. On the whole, we should learn that the key is in collaboration.”
The interactive exhibition will operate until the end of January. The entrance is free, but all visitors have to register on the website and mention if they're they are planning to take part in the competition. / ...mention whether they plan to participate in the competition.
“Truly Undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Check it out! You must visit it!” the guests marvel unanimously.